FOSS4G Europe 2017 organizes Topic Talks sessions on July 19th, 20th and 21st.

A Topic Talk addresses a certain target public or audience and informs about a particular matter, so the community can form a common and constructive vision of it.

The topics listed bellow where selected this year and will be 90 minutes each. Everyone is welcome, come and discuss FOSS4G with us !

FOSS4G Europe 2017

Topic Talks

# Title Room
TT01 An overview of the best Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial

Angelos Tzotsos

This session provides an overview of the breadth of quality geospatial open source applications, which are available for the full range of geospatial use cases, including storage, publishing, viewing, analysis and manipulation of data.

This session includes an introduction to the OSGeo-Live project, a short description of the included software, short presentations from contributors and linked projects, an in-depth technical discussion of the build process and a discussion of the future roadmap.

The introductory presentation is based upon documentation from OSGeo-Live, which is a Lubuntu-based geospatial GNU/Linux distribution delivered as a self-contained DVD, USB thumb drive and Virtual Machine. It includes over 50 of the best geospatial, open source applications, pre-configured with data, project overviews and quick-starts, translated into multiple languages. It is an excellent tool for demonstrating GeoSpatial Open Source, using in tutorials and workshops, or providing to potential new users. This presentation is very useful for anyone wishing to gain a high level understanding of the breadth of geospatial open source available.

TT02 OSGeo-Live for INSPIRE

Alexander Kotsev, Berdien Deroo, Robin Smidth, Dirk Frigne, Lorena Hernandes

Public sector organizations across Europe are currently confronted with the obligations and guidelines of the INSPIRE directive. The goal of the ‘Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community’ (INSPIRE) Directive is to create a European-wide spatial data infrastructure that enables the access to and exchange of harmonised information on environmental and other spatial data to support among other policy-making. The implementation of the INSPIRE Directive is on-going, which requires sharing a variety of datasets, including their metadata, in a harmonised form. To accomplish this, an increasing number of open source and proprietary tools are being adopted.

In this topic talk, we will bring together the communities of FOSS projects and INSPIRE to further enable open source technology in the INSPIRE implementations and subsequent applications. This topic talk has an interactive format in which the floor is given to INSPIRE data provides, FOSS project and data users to discuss the opportunities and issues of joining both communities together.


  • Introduction to the Topic Talk. Context (Alex Kotsev - JRC, Dirk Frigne - Geosparc) – 10 min.
  • INSPIRE, e-Reporting and FOSS at EEA 10 min. (Christian Ansorge, EEA tbc)
  • OSGEO-Live for INSPIRE (B. De Roo, L. Hernandes, D. Frigne, A. Kotsev) 20 min.
  • Evidence from the field:
    • Collaborative FOSS development for INSPIRE 10 min. (52North)
    • Implement INSPIRE through deegree 10 min. (Torsten Friebe, lat/lon tbc)
    • Data harmonization made easy with HALE 10 min. (Thorsten Reitz/Simon Templer, WeTransform tbc)
    • The data provider wish list. 10 min. (Sylvain Grellet, BRGM tbc)
  • Let’s work together (open discussion)

TT03 Sustainability of OSGeo projects

Jody Garnett, Massimiliano Cannata, Dirk Frigne

One of the succes stories of OSGeo is the incubation committee. Incubation is a process to stimulate new projects to leverage their quality level and degree of openess, so they can become a part of the OSGeo eco-system. This is a one time process and recent discussions about the sustainability and the quality requirements for the projects are an opportunity for the OSGeo community to think about the future of our projects. To be succesful, OSGeo projects should depend on several developers from several organisations. Some projects are taking off, other are lacking rescources and/or funding. All projects need vision and research and development to fullfill our future needs.

This session want's to start the debate to come to sustainable OSGeo software projects. Not only the companies , but all stakeholders and the Geo4All community are responsible for a part of the story.

During the session Massimiliano Cannata will present his oral presentation, which will set the scene for further debate on how OSGeo could work further on the sustainability of Software projects.

Community projects vs OSGeo projects

Jody Garnett: incubation chair - OSGeo

OSGeo incubation: statistics, challenges and ideas

Massimiliano Cannata: Institute of Earth Sciences, SUPSI, Canobbio, Switzerland

Jeff McKenna: Gateway Geomatics, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada

Milan Antonovic: Institute of Earth Sciences, SUPSI, Canobbio, Switzerland

Key questions about sustainability of OSGeo projects – debate and discussion

TT04 FOSS4G-Europe welcomes new volunteers to the OSGeo community

Jody Garnett, Astrid Emde, Dirk Frigne

If you are new to the FOSS4G conference and you want to become involved because you feel the vibes of this vibrant community and the fun and interactions between all these volunteers.

If you are a software developer and want to contribute to GIS open source projects.

If you are a manager, a teacher, a professor, a researcher and you want to know more about OSGeo and how to become part of the DNA, this topic talk is for you. Don't miss it.

If you are an OSGeo volunteer and you want to welcome the newbies so they find there way to the different proejcts, please don't hesitate to be in our topic talk. We will need you!


  • Welcome to the FOSS4G Community
  • Working with the OSGeo Community
  • Disussion and interaction
  • Exchange experience
  • Best way to start to become a volunteer!

TT05 The future of Spatial Data Infrastructures

Till Adams and Dirk Frigne

Spatial Data Infrastructures become more and more common, and a lot of OSGeo and non OSGeo open source projects address the topic. During this topic talk we want to take a close look at what is happening in this world, and try to get the different members of these communities together to discuss and exchange experience with each other so we can work on a common road map and see if the projects can learn from each other / grow to each other / find complementary functionality

The goal is to have a better vision about the SDI landscape and the global energy we are investing in creating and supporting these solutions.

As an inclusive organisation, OSGeo want's to try to create the best environment for volunteers to collaborate and create the best experience for an open SDI environment.

Following presentations will challenge the public to interact and contribute:

  • SHOGun2 - Yet another WebGIS framework?

    Till Adams: terrestris GmbH & Co KG

  • GeoCatLive: SDI publishing made easy

    Paul van Genuchten: GeoCat, Netherlands

    Trang Minh Pham: GeoCat, Netherlands

  • geOrchestra, the open source INSPIRE SDI - Project Status Report

    Petty Zoé: Camptocamp

TT06 Economics of FOSS4G

DIrk Frigne, Till Adams

OSGeo brings people together who develop, use, promote Geo open source software. We want access to the code and the use for free. But in reality nothing is realy for free. Somebody has to put his energy in it, his money, his time.

What are the economics behind the open source communities. How can we grow to a sustainable eco-system where the use and growth of the projects is guaranteed to succeed.

Presentation: Visions of FOSS4G – why the community needs business (and business the community)

Till Adams: terrestris GmbH & Co KG, mundialis GmbH & Co KG



Topic talks are 1h30 open discussion sessions taking place in the L006 room

July 19th July 20th July 21th
11:00 - 12:30 TT01 TT02 TT05
14:00 - 15:30 TT03 TT04 TT06
