Call for submissions

Academic Track

Academic Track relates progress of scientific research and experiences on using and teaching FOSS4G.


Following an established tradition, FOSS4G-Europe organizes an academic track which will run as a single-track over one day. FOSS4G-Europe invites original research contributions on all aspects of open-source geo software and its application. Submissions focusing on INSPIRE, Big Data and Societal Challenges are particularly encouraged. All types of papers are welcome, such as on results achieved, case studies, work in progress, and demos. We discourage, however, mere presentations of technology or use cases without properly justifying originality against the scientific state of the art and without particular novelty.


Authors can submit contributions by choosing one of the following options:

  • full papers (up to 12 pages)
  • demos and work in progress papers (up to 4 pages)

Submissions must be written in English and adhere to the template available in ODT format. The papers must be submitted in the same ODT format (no PDF) to allow the proper formatting of the volume. All papers will be submitted online using the Submission Form. Submission closed!

A blind review process will select papers based on their merits in scientific novelty, relation to the state of the art, presentation of the paper and overall quality. Authors will receive feedback and suggestions for improvement to their paper before submission of the final camera ready version of the paper.

Selected papers will be published online in Geomatics Workbooks (ISSN 1591-092X) which is the conference journal of the Laboratory of Geomatics at Politecnico di Milano, Como Campus.
Outstanding contributions will be further invited to submit an extended version to high-impact journals. A first arrangement has been made with the International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research.

Important dates

The important dates for the Academic Track are indicated below. Please follow the conference mailing list and @foss4ge to get the latest news.
  • Submission deadline: March 9, 2015
  • Acceptance notice: April 3, 2015
  • Camera ready version: April 30, 2015
  • Conference: July 13, 2015


Proposals will be assessed by the Academic Track Committee and selected on their overall quality (such as originality and clarity) and relevance.

The Academic Track Committee is composed of the following individuals:

First name Last name Organization
Peter BAUMANN Jacobs University
Massimiliano CANNATA SUPSI
Marco BRAMBILLA Politecnico di Milano
Marco CIOLLI Università di Trento
Marco MINGHINI Politecnico di Milano
Dimitris KOTZINOS University of Cergy-Pontoise
Peter MOONEY Maynooth University
Clara TATTONI Università di Trento

For any question about the Academic Track, please contact the Committee Chair Peter Baumann.

The members of the Academic Track Committee act on their own. Their opinions, decisions and actions do not reflect those from their organization and/or employer.