Call for submissions

General Track

General Track is the main event line with presentations on FOSS4G technologies and communities.


General presentations are the heart of the FOSS4G-Europe. As the wish is to assemble cutting-edge tracks and to host demanded presentations, all proposals will be subjected to a thorough analysis done by the Track Committee which, in the same regard, reserves the right of asking additional questions. The main topics of interest for presentations are listed below, but other topics related to any aspect of the development and use of open source geospatial software are also welcome:

  • Application development
  • Interoperability and open standards
  • FOSS4G implementations for INSPIRE
  • Transition to FOSS4G
  • Big data
  • Case studies of FOSS4G implementations
  • Benchmarks: Comparisons between packages
  • FOSS4G in education
  • Analysis, manipulation and visualization of geospatial data
  • Sensors, remote sensing, laser-scanning, structure for motion


Authors must submit contributions in the form of extended abstracts (up to 500 words).

Abstracts must be written in English and adhere to the template available in ODT format. The abstracts must be submitted in the same ODT format (no PDF) to allow the proper formatting of the volume. All abstracts will be submitted online using the Submission Form. Submission closed!

A review process will select abstracts based on their merits in scientific and/or technical novelty, presentation and overall quality.

Selected papers will be published online in Geomatics Workbooks (ISSN 1591-092X) which is the conference journal of the Laboratory of Geomatics at Politecnico di Milano, Como Campus.

Important dates

The important dates for the General Track are indicated below. Please follow the conference mailing list and @foss4ge to get the latest news.
  • Submission deadline: March 9, 2015
  • Acceptance notice: April 3, 2015
  • Camera ready version: April 30, 2015
  • Conference: July 13, 2015


Proposals will be assessed by the General Track Committee and selected on their overall quality (such as originality and clarity) and relevance.

The General Track Committee is composed of the following individuals:

First name Last name Organization
Vasile CRĂCIUNESCU Meteo Romania
Stefano CAMPUS
Giuseppe CONTI Trilogis
Gérald FENOY GeoLabs
Anita GRASER Austrian Institute of Technology
Karine JEAN Centre de geomatique du Quebec
Miguel LUACES University of Coruña
Antoni PEREZ NAVARRO Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Jorge SANZ Prodevelop
Josep SITJAR University of Girona
Lluís VICENS University of Girona

For any question about the General Track, please contact the Committee Chair Vasile Crăciunescu.

The members of the General Track Committee act on their own. Their opinions, decisions and actions do not reflect those from their organization and/or employer.