Call for submissions

Positioning Track

Positioning Track welcomes projects and case studies on indoor/outdoor positioning with FOSS4G.


Precise indoor and outdoor positioning and mapping are fundamental for many applications of social (for example, support to impaired), commercial (for example, fleet control and guidance) and individual (for example, sport and outdoor activities) utility. Precise positioning by low cost sensors is nowadays a research topic. Over the past years, increasingly accurate indoor localisation technologies, based on technologies such as Bluetooth, ZigBee, Wi-Fi, MEMS devices, range cameras have expanded the scope of Location Based Services (LBS) and Geo-Information (GI) to include indoor spaces. Especially in case of public buildings or publicly accessible buildings (e.g. a mall), having access to the interior geography can be used for safety/security purposes and to create innovative businesses or services, with high economic and/or social benefits, leveraging on people presence and navigation as well as asset tracking and management.

The objective of the track is to bring together researchers, developers and practitioners to present and discuss new advances in research, development and application in the area of Indoor and outdoor positioning, mapping and location based services. Particular attention will be paid to developments as well as examples of use of increasingly accurate indoor localisation technologies for indoor LBS. The track will welcome indoor as well as integrated indoor/outdoor solutions for location, tracking & management of assets (human and material) in several value added scenarios, e.g. e-government services, eHealth, personal mobility, logistics, mobility, facility management, retail, etc. As outdoor positioning is concerned, special focus will be given to GNSS positioning, both for navigation and crowdsourcing applications. Moreover, contributions relevant to low cost sensors integration will be welcomed. We invite contributions that present original research, including work in progress, best practices and applications.

The Positioning track will focus on the study, implementation, testing and application of FOSS4G tools as well as their future developments and improvements, specifically in the following areas of interest:

  • Indoor localization techniques
  • Indoor routing and navigation
  • Indoor asset management and scheduling
  • Indoor maps as open data
  • GNSS positioning for navigation
  • GNSS positioning for volunteered mapping
  • MEMS devices
  • Range cameras
  • Integration of sensors for positioning and georeferencing
  • Extensions of current location based standards for indoor/outdoor LBS
  • Integrated indoor/outdoor multimodal routing
  • Web- and mobile-based visualisation and management of indoor/outdoor GI
  • Crowdsourcing-oriented provision of open indoor/outdoor GI
  • New and Value added use cases for indoor/outdoor LBS
  • Solutions leveraging on indoor location and other emerging technologies
  • Mobile client-side technologies and applications
  • Human-system interaction in indoor LBS


Authors can submit contributions by choosing one of the following options:

  • full papers (up to 12 pages)
  • demos and work in progress papers (up to 4 pages)

Submissions must be written in English and adhere to the template available in ODT format. The papers must be submitted in the same ODT format (no PDF) to allow the proper formatting of the volume. All papers will be submitted online using the Submission Form. Submission closed!

A blind review process will select papers based on their merits in scientific novelty, relation to the state of the art, presentation of the paper and overall quality. Authors will receive feedback and suggestions for improvement to their paper before submission of the final camera ready version of the paper.

Selected papers will be published online in Geomatics Workbooks (ISSN 1591-092X) which is the conference journal of the Laboratory of Geomatics at Politecnico di Milano, Como Campus.

Important dates

The important dates for the Positioning Track are indicated below. Please follow the conference mailing list and @foss4ge to get the latest news.
  • Submission deadline: March 9, 2015
  • Acceptance notice: April 3, 2015
  • Camera ready version: April 30, 2015
  • Conference: July 13, 2015


Proposals will be assessed by the Positioning Track Committee and selected on their overall quality (such as originality and clarity) and relevance.

The Positioning Track Committee is composed of the following individuals:

First name Last name Organization
Ludovico BIAGI Politecnico di Milano
Theo ARENTZE Eindhoven University of Technology
Giuseppe CONTI Trilogis
Mattia CRESPI Università di Roma "La Sapienza"

For any question about the Positioning Track, please contact the Committee Chair Ludovico Biagi.

The members of the Positioning Track Committee act on their own. Their opinions, decisions and actions do not reflect those from their organization and/or employer.