Call for workshops


Workshops are 4.00 hours practical courses including hands-on sessions with FOSS4G software and developers.


FOSS4G-Europe 2015 is pleased to invite proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference on July 14th, 2015. This year up to 10 practical workshops of 4:00 hours each can be accommodated in five parallel sessions (i.e. five in the morning and five in the afternoon). The five rooms used for workshops are either computer labs or lecture rooms of Politecnico di Milano. They offer between 40 and 70 seats.

In the computer labs, participants will have to use the available computers and LAN/WLAN access, whereas in the lecture rooms, where WiFi access is available, participants will have to use their own laptops.


Proposals must be written in English and adhere to the template available in ODT format.

All workshop proposals must be submitted online in the same ODT format (no PDF) using the Submission Form. Submission closed!.

In detail, for each proposal a clear indication about the type of workshop must be given. The three possible alternatives are the following:

Run the software under Windows OS (which is currently installed on the computer labs). The workshop presenter must provide the software (plus the data) to the Committee one month before the conference.
Ask participants to use OSGeo Live USB sticks. Please note that OSGeo Live USB sticks will be provided to all participants, thus workshop instructors are encouraged to use them.
Ask participants to create a bootable USB stick by using the image that the workshop presenter must provide to the participants one month before the conference.

Important dates

The important dates for workshops are indicated bellow. Please follow the conference mailing list and @foss4ge to get the latest news.
  • Submission deadline: March 9, 2015
  • Acceptance notice: April 3, 2015
  • Workshop session: July 13, 2015


Proposals will be evaluated by the Workshop Committee. 10 of them will be accepted based on presentation, overall quality and importance/usefulness for the FOSS4G community.

The Workshop Committee is composed of the following individuals:

First name Last name Organization
Zoltan SIKI Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Simone CORTI Politecnico di Milano
Carlos GRANELL Universitat Jaume I
Andrea LINGUA Politecnico di Torino

For any question about Workshops, please contact the Committee Chair Zoltan Siki.

The members of the Workshop Committee act on their own. Their opinions, decisions and actions do not reflect those from their organization and/or employer.