FOSS4G Europe 2017 organizes a FOSS4G workshops session on Tuesday July 18th.

Learn Open Source GIS and Webmapping technologies straight from the FOSS4G developers during these hands-on experiences. In order to sign up for workshops, you must purchase your seat. Please select the workshop(s) you want to attend at Registration.

FOSS4G Europe 2017


# Title Room
WS01 Melown

Jachym Cepicky, Stanislav Sumbera

The Melown ( API and open source library provides a technology for interactive rendering of 3D maps across platforms and form factors. It is client-server architecture with back-end component (VTS) and JavaScript front-end library. The workshop’s topic is complete Melown’s 3D open source stack ( The workshop consists of three parts: In the first part, we are are going to give the introduction to the concepts and 3D visualisation principles and naming convention used in Melown. In the second part, Melown server (back-end) is introduced. We are going to setup and configure Melown server (mapping proxy) and configure data sources from public services. We also will add custom vector data and visualise them on top of digital elevation model. In the last part, we are going to create web application consuming data from configured server and visualising them in the web browser. We will demonstrate capabilities of the JavaScript library and show the ways the map can be embed to existing web page. In the closing part, Melown web administration console ( will be presented, where all the parts are ready-to-use in our cloud platform for less technical skilled users. Completing this workshop, participants will get good grasp of Melown technology, will be able to build their own 3D map content and present it as interactive WebGL rendered map the web.

WS02 Mapbender3: A powerful Geoportal Framework

Astrid Emde

Mapbender3 is a client framework for spatial data infrastructures. It provides web based interfaces for displaying, navigating and interacting with OGC compliant services. Mapbender3 has a modern and user-friendly administration web interface to do all the work without writing a single line of code. Mapbender3 helps you to set up a repository for your OWS Services and to create indivdual application for different user needs. The software is is based on the PHP framework Symfony2 and integrates OpenLayers. The Mapbender3 framework provides authentication and authorization services, OWS Proxy functionality, management interfaces for user, group and service administration. In the workshop you will get to know Mapbender3 and you will set up your own application. You will learn how to set up your own service repository and how to create user and groups to assign access to applications. You will get to know the integrated css-editor which helps you to style you application. You will learn how to configure a search module and how to add digitizer functionality to your application.

WS03 Lizmap

René-Luc D'hont, Michael Douchin

This workshop will allow participants to use the free software Lizmap to publish a QGIS project as a web application on the internet. The following steps will be adressed:

  • Creation of a QGIS project and addition of data (provided during the workshop)
  • QGIS project configuration for web publication: layers, symbology, printing, etc.
  • Use the Lizmap plugin to configure the web map: scales, baselayers, tools and interface.
  • Publication of the QGIS project on the Lizmap Web Client platform
  • Advanced tools configuration: attribute tables, popups with photos, data editing
  • Management of access to maps based on authentication via the Lizmap administration interface
  • Presentation of demos and use cases
At the end of the workshop, the participants will have a global vision of the Lizmap capabilities, and the philosophy of this open-source project which is "Use QGIS as the main configuration tool".

WS04 Fully Open Monitoring System

Massimiliano Cannata, Milan Antonovic, Mirko Cardoso, Daniele Strigaro, Yann Chemin, Luca Delucchi

A monitoring system permits to sense the environment, collect and send the observations, manage the data and share the time-series. In real world application, it is very common that most of the system is composed by closed and proprietary parts that may pose a barrier to the adoption of the system due to budget constraints or poor system sustainability. To tackle this problem, the Open Monitoring System Working Group of the OSGeo's Open Geoscience Committee, is conducting a series of workshop to disseminate fully open solutions. During the workshop attendees will be exposed to the two main components of a WSN: the monitoring station component based on Arduino microcontroller and to the data warehouse components based on the istSOS software. The workshop will mix theoretical presentations, practical handouts and discussion sessions to rise attendee’s awareness of the system capabilities and challenges but also to enjoy practical work that will lead to the creation of a small local sensor network with real time interoperable data sharing. The workshop will cover the following sections:

  • Introduction to Open Weather Station
  • Introduction to the SOS standard and to istSOS
  • Introduction to Arduino microcontroller
  • Programming Arduino board
  • Creating a station connecting Arduino with a sensor and reading data
  • Registering the new sensors to istSOS
  • Inserting, Manipulating & Validation of observations
  • Plotting observations on the Web

WS05 GML application schema made easy in GDAL/OGR and QGIS

Francois Prunayre, Even Rouault, Christian Ansorge, Sylvain Grellet, Hugo Mercier, Paul van Genuchten

Up to today, dealing with application schema features, such as data harmonised to the INSPIRE or OGC data models, also known as complexFeature GML application schemas, was challenging for users due to the lack of appropriate tools in the commonly used client applications. As a result XML content available from GML files or OGC WFS and SOS servers were hard to reuse creating a chicken and egg situation: no interoperable data <–-?--> no client. Recent advances in GDAL/OGR and QGIS will allow easier handling of those app-schema compliant data. BRGM, the European Environment Agency (with the support of European Union's Earth observation programme Copernicus) and JRC have teamed up with core open source actors and QGIS and GDAL/OGR committers (Titellus, Spatialys, Oslandia, Camp to Camp). The functionality will become available from the upcoming 3.0 version of QGIS and 2.2 of GDAL/OGR. In this workshop we will guide you through the world of application schemas in GDAL/OGR and QGIS. Since its introduction the GML Application Schema (GMLAS) driver has received positive feedback, being for example able to address national schemas used in Finland or Japan, beyond the initial use cases it was developed for (INSPIRE, GeoSciML, GroundWaterML, WaterML2) thanks to the generic approach taken in the source code. We will start the workshop with a section on dataset discovery from within QGIS, by querying a spatial catalogue. We will from there connect to a WFS endpoint to retrieve appschema features. We’ll explain how GMLAS is able to automatically set up a relational datamodel in PostGIS by analysing the application schema and load the GML into the database. QGIS will then be able to visualise the data in a map view. You are invited to modify the data and finally export the data from QGIS as application schema GML. We also invite you to bring some of your personal data to load as and/or transform to an application schema of your choice. Other potential topics to discuss and try out are transformations using Humboldt Alignment Editor (HALE) and exposing appschema features as WFS using Geoserver or deegree. At the workshop we’ll have core developers of GDAL/OGR, QGIS GeoNetwork available as well as OGC/INSPIRE data specification experts.

WS06 GIS desktop using NoSQL database

Winhard Tampubolon

The term of NoSQL (Not only SQL) databases have been raised as a potential alternative solution which is growing rapidly to provide persistence for free schema application. They combine the capability of data sharding in a non-relational structure. This type of databases can potentially accommodate variety of information from Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) with different structures and schemas into one single geodatabase. For instance, MongoDB introduces an open source NoSQL document-based storage with a replication using data partitioning approach. This approach supports a robust specific query task by using geospatial index of simple point feature. In specific, JSON format in MongoDB is used as a data model on a basis of a document-based rather than on a tuple basis. This situation provides lightweight query and data transfer to support efficient operation especially for Geographical Information System (GIS). However, GIS is a mature system that is already extensively developed using conventional RDBMS approach on the operational levels. Therefore in this workshop, we will demonstrate an implementation of NoSQL database to perform complete mandatory task i.e. Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations by using GIS desktop platform. It shows a reliable performance for handling big data from different sources e.g. Open Street Map (OSM).

WS07 Building a GIS microservice using GeoDjango and Docker

Anusha Chickermane

One of the biggest problems in most software systems is managing the inter-dependency among its components. Geodjango has dependencies on multiple geospatial libraries and path settings, as does PostGIS. Isolating them using docker containers allows us to build a microservice which is secure and portable. The aim of this workshop is to show how GeoDjango and Docker can be used to create a clean, portable and isolated geo-service, and to understand the rationale and implications of using this method to develop mapping websites. By the end of this workshop, developers will build a beautiful web application displaying road accident data for different counties in the UK, by creating a docker micro-service to serve the geographical data, and use Javascript library called Openlayers to display the data.

WS08 Introduction to GeoNode

Alessio Fabiani

GeoNode is a Web Spatial Content Management System based entirely on Open Source tools whose purpose is to promote the sharing of data and their management in a simple environment where even non-expert users of GIS technologies can view, edit, manage, and share spatial data, maps, prints and documents attached. GeoNode is an open source project initiated in 2010 by the World Bank and OpenGeo (now Boundless), but from 2011 is entirely run by the developer community that the project has been able to attract. It claims some large organizations among its contributors such as the United Nations, the World Bank and the European Commission as well as many NGOs and private companies. GeoNode is based on a set of robust and widespread open source components as Django as a basic framework, GeoServer for geospatial data management and OGC services and OpenLayers/Leaflet as mapping application. It can also communicate with PostgreSQL for vector data management. The purpose of this workshop is to introduce the attendees to those which are the GeoNode current capabilities and to some practical use cases of particular interest in order to also highlight the possibility of customization and integration. Finally, we will present a number of new features and changes that have been recently developed or are developing and will also outline what are the future directions of the project evolution.

WS09 CARTO Builder

Jorge Sanz

General CARTO BUILDER workshop to learn how to upload and manage geospatial information to CARTO, and how to use a simple and reliable self-service web interface to create dashboards that mix powerful geospatial analysis backed mainly by PostGIS and beautiful web cartography. Most of our work will happen in a true visual environment, but we'll also introduce you on how to go further using spatial SQL and CartoCSS/TurboCARTO to cover the extra mile. Rough agenda:

  • CARTO dashboard: datasets and maps
  • Dataset view: upload and manage your geodata
  • BUILDER visualization: how to create beautiful maps using different thematic and aggregation techniques
  • BUILDER widgets: create powerful dashboards that help your users to find interesting insights
  • BUILDER analysis: create an analysis workflow that combined with your widgets allow you to publish great location applications

WS10 ZOO-Project Introduction

Gerald Fenoy, Niroshan Bandara, Venkatesh Raghavan, Nicolas Bozon

ZOO-Project is an open source software which provides a WPS (Web Processing Service) compliant and developer-friendly framework to easily create and chain OGC Webservices. The ZOO-Project has four components such as ZOO-Kernel, ZOO-Services, ZOO-API and ZOO-Client. ZOO-Kernel is a powerful server-side C Kernel which enable to manage and chain Web services coded in different programming languages. ZOO-Services is a growing suite of example Web services based on various Open Source libraries. ZOO-API is a server-side JavaScript API able to call and chain the ZOO Services, which makes the development and chaining processes easier, and ZOO-Client is a JavaScript library to interact with WPS servers from your web applications. In this workshop, the ZOO-Project will first be presented, along with some details on using the WPS. Then, the participants will first learn how to setup the ZOO Kernel and to get a WPS server running in a few simple steps. Some basic services will be presented to the attendees to give them the capability to reuse them later in their own application. Next, simple programing exercises will be demonstrated and done by the participants as a simple WPS service development using the Python language. Interaction between WPS Services ZOO- Client will be described with the available ready to use client and further the service to be developed. Participants will finally learn how to chain the different available WPS Services using the server-side JavaScript ZOO-API. The final client application, based on ZOO-Client, will provide a user interface to first search and display of shortest path, then display the corresponding profile.

WS11 GeoNetwork open source

Paul van Genuchten, François Prunayre, Maria Arias de Reyna

The workshop will focus on the implementation of a GeoNetwork opensource based catalog to facilitate discovery and access to geospatial data in a Spatial Data Infrastructure. GeoNetwork opensource is the geospatial catalog of choice in most European National portals as well as in many other countries, cities and organisations around the world. We will start from a basic installation to get to your own dedicated catalog based on the latest GeoNetwork stable version 3.2. Harvesting of spatial data resources from remote servers will be configured and geospatial web map services will be set up using the embedded GeoServer and configured for access through the catalog web interface. QGIS (metasearch) will be used as an alternative user interface to query GeoNetwork. Participants will create metadata and learn how to develop and use custom metadata templates based on the ISO19115/19119 metadata standards. Participants will learn to use the various different interfaces that GeoNetwork offers, such as the GUI Web Interface and the OGC CSW/ISO interface. Attention will also be given to other import and export functionality of the catalog that allow integration of the publishing process in existing workflows, linked data and search engines. We will present some of the new features available in the upcoming 3.4 release.

WS12 Web mapping with OGC services and GeoServer

Andrea Aime

This workshop will provide an introduction to OGC services implementation with GeoServer and GeoWebCache. The workshop will cover:

  • Setting up vector data, such as shapefile and postgis, in GeoServer
  • Setting up raster data, such as geotiff, in GeoServer
  • Introduction to the Web Map Service protocol and usage of configured data from external clients
  • Creating GeoServer styles with desktop tools
  • Introduction to the Web Map Tile Service, with examples using the GeoServer embedded GeoWebCache

WS13 FOSS4G routing with pgRouting

Kastl Daniel, Vicky Vergara

pgRouting adds routing functionality to PostGIS. This introductory workshop will show you how. It gives a practical example of how to use pgRouting with OpenStreetMap data. It explains the steps to prepare the data, make routing queries, assign costs, write a custom ‘plpgsql’ function and use OpenLayers to show your route in a web-mapping application. Navigation for road networks requires complex routing algorithms that support turn restrictions and even time-dependent attributes. pgRouting is an extendable open-source library that provides a variety of tools for shortest path search as extension of PostgreSQL and PostGIS. The workshop will explain about shortest path search with pgRouting in real road networks and how the data structure is important to get faster results. Also you will learn about difficulties and limitations of pgRouting. We listened to the student's feedback of the last years and want to guide you through the basic steps to build a simple browser application. Our goal is to make this as easy as possible, and show that it’s not difficult to integrate with various FOSS4G tools.

WS14 TGRASS: temporal data processing with GRASS GIS

Veronica Andreo, Luca Delucchi, Markus Neteler

GRASS GIS is a Free and Open Source geographic information system (GIS) with support for raster, 3D raster and vector data processing. It provides more than 450 core modules, plus hundreds of Add-ons, to run any kind of geographical analysis. GRASS GIS offers a useful graphical interface to work as in any other desktop software. However, the highest power of GRASS GIS resides in that it can be used also like a backend tool to run analysis in an automatic way, not only a personal computer, but also into HPC systems or via web services (WPS or scripting in several languages). The workshop will show the basics about GRASS GIS, it will be an intuitive mix of theoretical and hands-on sections. In the former, we will introduce the participants to some specific concepts of GRASS GIS, like its database structure, location, mapset and region and will show how simple the approach really is. During the hands-on part, the participants will learn how to use common geographical data formats in GRASS GIS, starting from simple actions like adding data into the GRASS GIS environment and displaying it. Finally, the participants will run simple analyses like map algebra calculations for raster maps and vector buffering and visualize and export the results.

WS15 Land cover monitoring using open satellite data and open source software

Cedric Lardeux, Adrien Moiret

The purpose of this workshop is to give the capability to people who are not remote sensing expert to be able to do land cover monitoring with remote sensing data using free and accessible tools. Focus will be to monitor between two periods the landscape change in a real and simple case study where there is an important landscape dynamics such as urbanization, agricultural area extension or deforestation for example. We will use the Landsat and Sentinel-2 data to show how to use different sensors and demonstrate that it’s possible for non expert to do monitoring. Thus, trainees will learn the followings things:

  • Prepare raster data, from single band files to multi-bands file (stacking)
  • How to use and improved supervised classification (using Random Forest algorithm)
  • Apply a minimum mapping unit
  • Generate change map between two classifications

WS16 What can you do in 5 minutes with WebWorldWind?

Yann Voumard, Paulo Sacramento, Paul David Collins, Patrick Hogan

WebWorldWind is a free and open-source 3D virtual globe for HTML5 with a JavaScript API. Jointly developed by NASA, ESA and the larger community, it provides a powerful solution for anyone to visualise their data and build cross-platform geospatial applications. In this workshop, we propose to discover, as a getting-started exercise, what can be done in only 5 minutes with the SDK. The objective is to highlight how easy it is to present various types of data on the Web and in an interactive manner. After a brief introduction to the architecture of WebWorldWind, the participants will look at different aspects of the virtual globe through short practical exercises. They will learn how to explore the 3D world, add layers, add objects, handle basic user interactions, load external data from servers (e.g. WMS, WMTS, WCS and WFS) and external data from files (e.g. GeoJSON, KML, Shapefile and Collada). The code will be built from a given foundation so as to speed up the process.

WS17 Geopaparazzi and gvSIG: never out of data in the field

Silvia Franceschi

This workshop is dedicated to professionals, researchers and students that needs to collect data from the field and use this information to update or create GIS data, but also to OpenStreetMappers as well as tourists that want to keep a geo-diary. Geopaparazzi is an easy to use and intuitive mobile application for digital field mapping for Android devices developed to support the work of the technicians in the field offering a mapping environment with real time GPS position and a form for structured data collection. Furthermore, with Geopaparazzi it is possible to take georeferenced notes, georeferenced and oriented pictures and georeferenced sketches. Background data on the map view can be personalized using available local data or on-line services with the possibility to use vector offline Mapsforge basemaps, Mbtiles offline databases, TMS and WMS services. Geopaparazzi supports personalized complex forms with combo and check boxes, text fields, pictures and sketches organized over multiple tabs. The workshop starts with an introduction of the application, installation and main features. Then a short section will be dedicated to the preparation of the input data: background maps and vector layers. Following these sections there is a practical testing of Geopaparazzi outdoor in the field. The last section, back in the room, is dedicated to the export of the collected data to be visualized or used in a GIS format using gvSIG.



Workshops are half-day (4 hour) or 2 hours sessions in a computer lab with an experienced instructor.

/ L102 L109 L112 L201 L207 L309 L005
9:00 - 13:00 WS02 WS04 WS03 WS01 WS05
14:00 - 18:00 WS10 WS11 WS12 WS13 WS14 WS15 WS17
(new timing)
(new timing)
