'The Future of Geo is Open'

Suchith Anand

Suchith Anand

Charter Member, OSGeo

Researcher at University of Nottingham

Suchith Anand co-founded GeoForAll with a vision to make geospatial education and opportunities accessible to all and to enable a better future for everyone. He served as the founding chair of the ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies and Geospatial IG of Research Data Alliance. He is leading open geospatial science through the establishment of Open Source Geospatial Labs/Research Centres in key universities worldwide as part of the Geo for All initiative. He is also member of Working Groups on Open Education and Open Science of the Open Knowledge Foundation.

He established the Open Source Geospatial Lab at the University of Nottingham. He is one of the founding members of the Open Source GIS Summer School initiative and the Geospatial Open Source, Open Standards, Open Data e-learning initiative.

He is referee for RCUK, European and international research council applications, reviewer for many leading GIS journals (such as the International Journal for Geographical Information Science, Computers and Geosciences , Journal of Location Based Services etc). He is also in the scientific committees of many international conferences and serves on the Editorial Board of GIS Professional. He has also done invited presentations and chairing of sessions at many international conferences.

He is actively involved in successful research grants funding applications for a variety of funding agencies including European Commission, RCUK, Ordnance Survey, JISC , Nuffield Foundation etc. He is involved in many FP7 research (GIS4EU, ISSUE etc) , involved in supervising PhD students and also external examiner for PhDs etc .He has produced scientific reports for Ordnance Survey, JISC etc . His research interests and publications are in automated generalization, metaheuristic optimization techniques (simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, hill climbing, tabu search etc), location based services, linked data, HealthGIS, AgriGIS, ITS, open source, open standards, open data and data harmonization research.